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About us

Many of us want our jobs to be easy. But many of us do not know how to present our work easily. Among the activities of our educational institution are student data collection, student admission activities, result sheet preparation, ID card preparation, SMS sending, teacher data collection, salary, class routine, homework, leave application, a library of the educational institution, transport, etc. Can do it through. With this, you get the benefit of creating results for your students offline. Again, if you want, you can take the technology work of my organization with our people (subject to conditions).

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অধ্যক্ষের দপ্তর

ডাটাবেজ সম্পর্কিত

জাতীয় শুদ্ধাচার কৌশল

ফরম পূরণ সম্পর্কিত

অনলাইন শিক্ষা

তথ্য অধিকার ও সিটিজেন চার্টার

বার্ষিক কর্মসম্পাদন চুক্তি

ভর্তির আবেদন সম্পর্কিত

সহশিক্ষা কার্যক্রম

ইউটিউব ও ই-শিক্ষা


Vice Principal

History Of our demo college

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book

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